Understanding our universe

I am Markus R. Mosbech, I am a PostDoc at RWTH Aachen working on Cosmology and Astroparticle physics.

About Me

I am a postdoc at RWTH Aachen in Germany, previously I completed my PhD at The University of Sydney working on cosmology and astroparticle physics.

I use cosmology to investigate the nature of dark matter through the use of linear and nonlinear numerical tools. In particular, I have worked on constraining interactions between dark matter and neutrinos, using existing CMB data as well as forecasts for future 21cm observations and gravitational waves.

I am interested in using numerical tools to help us investigate the nature of our universe, in conjunction with novel cosmological and astrophysical observations.

In Sydney, I was part of the Astroparticle Group, as well as the Arc Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics.

Finally, if you think my research sounds interesting and you would like to hear more, or have an idea that you want to collaborate on, please get in touch!